
The Elegant &
Clean Wedding
Multipurpose Theme

Choose A Demo Layout

Each of the 20+ homepage demos is a fully equipped and easily customizable website of its own.

Key Features

Fully Responsive & Retina

OneLove is a fully responsive theme. All the design aspects are carefully optimized for desktop and mobile device experience.

Powerful Catanis Panel

Our OneLove theme options panel is unrivaled in power and ease of use. User have all the control you desire easily accessible.

WooCommerce Ready

Fully compatible with the WooCommerce plugin, OneLove makes sure creating a fully functional eCommerce platform is fast and easy.

Unlimited Sidebars & Colors

Create unlimited Sidebars and fill it with any number of widgets you need. Also you easily and quickly change any colors you want.

No Coding Skills Required

Build a beautiful website with no experience in coding. OneLove provides a lot of features for you, without coding knowledge.

Incredible Page Settings

General setting allows you to design a united layout for all of your pages. Unique setting can be used to make a unique and different page layout.

Tons of Shortcodes

Building websites was never so powerful and easy! Over 50 included shortcodes and items gives you possibility to build any kind of website.

Translation Ready

OneLove is ready for translation into any languages. It is also fully compatible with the WPML plugins in case you need a multilingual site.

Customisable RSVP Form

Manage your guests using the online and customise RSVP form fields to include specific information for example meal prefernce, number of people, etc.

Professional Support 24/7

Our support team is very professional and have many experiences. A excellent theme cannot be great without excellent support!

One Click To Import

Quickly and easily import our demo contents including pages, posts, sliders, widgets, theme options and other settings with only one click.

Maintenance Mode

There is no need to install a plugin in order to work on your website behinds the scenes. You can enable Maintenance Mode with OneLove.

Tailored Visual Page Builder

OneLove runs a highly tailored version of Visual Composer with extra advanced functionalities, building any pages with drag & drop simplicity.

Header & Footer Variations

Header styling is important to the user experience. With a variety of fully customizable header, footer and menu layouts, the possibilities are limitless.

Lifetime Updates

OneLove is always up to date. We constantly listen to our customers because they will help us to make the theme better in the future.

Ecommerce Shop With OneLove

Use WooCommerce with OneLove to promote the goods and services on your site with style. Fully compatible with WooCommerce, OneLove allows you to create functional eCommerce sites and reach the top for your business.

Unlimited Portfolio & Gallery

Show off your amazing work in one of OneLove’s captivating and creative portfolio layouts to attract your potential clients and partners and share your creations with the whole world. Each can be easily adapted for: Design, Photography, Illustration, etc..

Useful Elements & Plugins

For even the smallest of details there is a corresponding element which you can use. From titles to counters, dividers and images, there is an element with its own subset of options.

Other Custom Pages

What Happy Clients SayCustomers Reviews

  • Официален представител на фондацията в Шри Ланка. Таринду Мадушан е медийна личност, музикант и рап изпълнител в Шри Ланка. "Нека помогнем на тези бедни деца да получат образование и по-добър живот”
  • Космополитна личност, пътешественик и бизнесмен. Финансирал множество благотворителни акции в България и по света.
  • Прасад Локубаласурия е преподавател по икономика и бизнес. Стартира множество социални програми за хората в нужда, в най–бедните райони от страната.
  • Предприемач в международна италианска компания и спортен мениджър на малък италиански спортен клуб. Децата и младите хора са нашето бъдеще!
  • Енергичен и доказан професионалист с богат опит в сферата на образованието, със силен академичен фокус. Дългогодишен преподавател и любим учител.
  • Втори главен будистки монах от древния храм Данигала Дибулагала. Роден и израснал в Полонарува - Кандегама, завършва университета в Коломбо и по-късно става негов лектор. Никога не спира да помага на хората от селските райони и училищата и да ги карада се усмихват, въпреки бедния им живот.
  • Доктор Прамодани е основател и собственик на AYU health and beauty clinic. Изключително лъчезарна и усмихната, отдадена на благотворителната кауза.
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